If you haven’t done so already, I recommend you skim through Part I and Part II of the Chicago Fever series on Truffle & Error.
The third time we travelled to Chicago was also in the same year as the last two times. This trip was sort of a forced trip because in the last trip we had purchased tickets for the Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower) SkyDeck Observatory but since the wait was longer than two hours, we decided to go home and come back another time. The tickets had an expiry date for the following February so we decided to go during the winter breaks and check out the SkyDeck and the city once again.
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We didn’t immediately rush to the SkyDeck when we arrived. We made our way to the Millennium Park once again. This time things were a little different as well. Since it was winter time, the area below the Bean was covered in artificial ice in the form of an ice skating rink. It was absolutely freezing. We somehow managed to put our skates on in the cold and made our way around the rink a few times. My younger sisters barely knew how to skate so it was a challenge to get them going in this weather. People were really enjoying themselves. We took a few breaks going inside the warm cafe at the park and coming back out again. We did this a few times until we finally made our way to the SkyDeck.
Instead of driving around, we left our car parked where it was and walked to the SkyDeck. We convinced ourselves it was not that long of a walk, although we almost froze to death on our way. If it wasn’t for all the shops and buildings that were open to allowing randoms come inside and warm up for a bit, we might not have made it all the way.
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Alas! We made it and even though the line was still pretty long, we told ourselves we were prepared to wait as long as it took to get to the top. I can’t remember now how long it might have taken, but it was all worth the wait. See for yourself below.
After the SkyDeck we lingered in the city for a bit longer until we made our way to our relatives’ place for the night. It was a short trip, but not a day trip, thank God.
More to come in Chicago Fever soon! This time we might skip the Millennium Park and go to places we haven’t gone before like the Navy Pier.
2 responses to “Chicago Fever (Part III)”
Love these pictures – def frame worthy!
i really enjoyed reading this!