Call me Q…
Among other things, travelling has really resonated with me over the years. But I couldn’t really pinpoint a single moment that lead me here. It has all been a wonderful journey.
So, you’ll see that the majority of the content on here is from my travels, but there’s more! That’s just the tip of the iceberg! That’s what I want you to see at first, but if you have the patience to dig deeper, then I promise you there are many other treasures!
If you really read, you’ll find the paragons of experiencing the world, indulging in food, composing the mind, and challenging the body.
You may also get a glimmer of my struggles and how I try my best to live through my trials and errors. You will see all this through my lens and you will see me through the lens of my family and friends.
So, follow this journey – I insist!