Tag: sialkot
Three Weeks in Pakistan (Chapter 6) – The Final Chapter
After spending almost a week in Sialkot, we said our goodbyes and headed back to Lahore. Lahore was the first and last stop of this trip. As much as I would have liked to stay here, we were only here for a few days; first once we landed for a day and then again a…
Three Weeks in Pakistan (Chapter 5)
God help me if I ever take a longer trip and try to document it on my blog because this three week trip has become numerous chapters that I’m slowly working on over the course of several months after the actual trip. In my defence, I’ve been really caught up with school and work, so…
Three Weeks in Pakistan (Chapter 4)
We arrived in Kaghan around 8 o’clock at night, after being on the road since 5 in the morning. I shared a few words and some pictures of where we stayed in chapter 3, check it out! Moving on to our journey through Naran below.
Three Weeks in Pakistan (Chapter 3)
In the last chapter, I was a little overwhelmed by the kindness and hospitality I experienced from family that I met in Faisalabad. I enjoyed my brief visit to the goan – if it was any longer, maybe I would start to feel uncomfortable. Life in the village is so different.
Three Weeks in Pakistan (Chapter 2)
If you read the last chapter, you will realize that my first few days of being in Pakistan were definitely challenging. It took me some time to adjust to the place and the weather; also, the jet lag did not help. On the first day, the main goal was to find something for me to wear…
Three Weeks in Pakistan After Seventeen Years (Chapter 1)
The last time I was in Pakistan was at the end of 2001. We went as a family during Christmas holidays. I was in grade four – at the age of ten. Sadly, a couple days before we left, my mom’s youngest brother passed away in a tragic bus accident. Needless to say, the trip was…